Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Remember Fun...It Still Is!

As my family and I were flying down the freeway a couple years ago we saw a billboard that said "Remember fun...It still is." I loved it! Sometimes I get so wrapped up in lifes mundane that I forget how fun fun really is. I worry about the dishes, I worry about the my child's next book report, I worry about finances and doctor visits. I worry about whether or not I'm feeding my family healthy food or pesticide laden food, or too much sugar. So many worries. I worry so much I forget to have fun and I forget how having fun makes me and my family happier. I forget how having fun creates memories and builds the bonds with my family that I desire.

Worry gets us nowhere. It doesn't make anything better or happier or easier. Mostly it just wears us out and bogs us down. Who needs the constant suffocation of worry? Most of life is work and I just need to remember to have fun doing it, because fun does make things better, happier, and easier.  Remember Fun...It Still Is!

In honor of having fun, here are some pictures of my family having fun.

A little balloon smashing contest. We played this one over and over.
Super fun but be careful!
I walked away with a pretty good bruise on the calf.

Fillmore Utah - Rock hunting and Volcano exploring (I had no idea there were volcanoes in Utah.
 They erupted about 800 years ago) We actually went inside lava tubes.
 You can consider this your Geological education for the day. P.S. There were no bathrooms. I'm learning to do things I never imagined.

We call this the Gerbal ball. It's awesome! We did get pretty tired
 pushing the kids around in it.

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