Monday, October 29, 2012

Looking For Your Opinion

Okay family, friends and followers...I am having a hard time deciding on a subtitle for "Family Ever After," and am looking for your honest opinions. Below is the cover to my book and four subtitle options. Let me know which is your favorite, or if you think of something better. Thanks!

1. Simple Ways To Achieve Perfect Happiness 
    In An Imperfect Family

2. Simple Ways To Achieve Lasting Happiness 
    In An Everyday Family

3. Simple Ways To Achieve Extraordinary Happiness 
    With Your Ordinary Family

4. Simple Ways To Achieve Happiness In An Imperfect Family



  1. I like #3 because it says "with" instead of "in", but I also like the use of extraordinary and ordinary. Hope that makes sense....

    The cover is totally cute!

  2. I also like number 3. I just like the wording better. For one thing it is hard to promise "perfect" happiness. Also I like that you use the word ordinary better than everyday family. I also agree that the word "with" sounds really good. it makes it sound like it is a group effort not just all up to me as the mom, which is how I feel most of the time. The cover is really cute. I cant wait to read it!

  3. I like #2, but I like the "with". So maybe, Simple ways to achieve lasting happiness with your everyday family. Marshall likes #3.

  4. I like 3 and 4. I might be biased towards 3. True story.

  5. Simple ways to Achieve Extraordinary Happiness with an Imperfect Family. I think that allows for those with single parent homes as well as other difficult situations to also be empowered.(???)
    I do like the word play in three also, though.
